Preparatory activity

The first project meeting was held on Skype on 13 December 2016. The coordinating teams shared their expectations, discussed the project plan and established the steps to take.11 people attended the meeting: 2 from Bulgaria, 2 from Albania, 2 from Poland, one from Hungary and 4 from Romania.
The purpose of the meeting was to put together the coordinating team and detail the work plan.

On this occasion, the following were decided:

  • To set up a joint website section in English, on museum website, with the aim of promoting the project and disseminating its results,
  • To have each partner set up a Facebook page in their own language,
  • The list of specifications for documentation purposes
  • The list of criteria for the selection of the members of the Stalin teams
  • Possible dates for the organization of workshops were suggested and it was decided to postpone them for a more accessible period

Given the changes in the organisation team, a new preparatory meeting was held at the summer school (August 2017) which established the workshops calendar and came up with proposals about replacing the workshop from Eisenhuttenstadt.
12 people attended the meeting: 2 from Bulgaria, 2 from Albania, 2 from Poland, one from Hungary and 5 from Romania.


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