About the Project

Through its activities the project “I Was Citizen of Stalin Town” presents a significant episode of the European and world history, i.e. the influence of the totalitarian Stalinist regime on the civil societies from the communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the way in which the enforcement of the social class conflict ostracizes numerous categories of citizens from the cities which were given the name of the Stalin dictator.
After 1989, many of those who had lived the drama of the Stalinist regimes became citizens of the modern European Union and benefited from the values of a united Europe, i.e. freedom, equality and welfare hand in hand with the encouragement of public debates and intercultural dialogues. This experience shall be put to good use at the project workshops through the participation of survivors of the Stalinist regimes whose stories and memories shall be shared with the participants.
This approach brings the focus on the personal experience of the citizens of Stalin towns, on everyday life events, “short stories” which may help today’s teenagers, youngsters and adults who have not lived that drama to understand easier the consequences that the instauration of totalitarian regimes has on the European values and on the welfare of European citizens.

Project objectives:

  • To raise awareness about historical memories and shared values
  • To encourage the active participation of citizens at an European scale
  • To help citizens better understand the Union, its history and its diversity

The main aim of the project is to grant citizens significant knowledge about that side of our history, about how the Stalinist totalitarian regimes deprived citizens of their fundamental rights and led to mass abuses, so as to make sure that such a tragedy is never repeated.

Activitățile proiectului/ Project activities: 
Activitate pregătitoare
Februarie – mai 2017, Campania de documentare
Iunie 2017, Selecția reprezentanților orașelor,
01-06 august 2017, Școala de vară, Brașov, Râșnov, Romania
29 august – 2 septembrie 2017, Workshop, Polonia, Katowice
12 – 16 septembrie 2017, Workshop, Albania, Tirana/Kucove
25 – 29 septembrie 2017, Workshop, Bulgaria, Varna
24- 28 octombrie 2017, Workshop, Ungaria, Dunaujvaros
Noiembrie 2017 – expoziția Brașov, Romania

Mai multe informații: office@brasovistorie.ro
facebook   Facebook: Orasele Stalin
facebook   Facebook: Miasto Stalina – kiedy Katowice były Stalinogrodem
facebook   Facebook: „Sztálinváros polgára voltam
facebook   Facebook: Аз бях жител на град Сталин – проект
facebook   Facebook: Une kam qene qytetar i Qytetit Stalin

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